What is a rectifier and how is its working principle?
It is a critical device with all necessary control and protection systems, designed to convert 1-phase or 3-phase AC voltage to a smooth and regulated DC voltage.
Usage areas of rectifiers
? Electrical automation applications
? Industrial facilities
? Provides DC power required for railway applications.
When the system is used with a battery pack at its output, it charges the batteries and acts as an uninterrupted DC source. When used as a battery charger, it can charge batteries in 3 different charging modes:
? Direct charging
? Buffer charging
? Fast charging
In order to better understand the working principle of the rectifier, it is necessary to give information about the diode part first. A diode is a semiconductor circuit element that allows electric current to flow in one direction. The diode allows current to flow only when a positive voltage is applied to its anodes. When a voltage is applied in the other direction, it increases the resistance against the current and prevents the flow of current.
A diode is generally used to convert AC voltage to DC voltage. When the diode is used, the negative or positive side of the waveform is blocked and the conversion process is realized. In order for the rectification process to be more efficient, more than one diode must be connected in series with each other. The picture below shows a diode circuit and a negative side blocked rectifier circuit.
Usage areas;
? Solar Power Plants
? Hydroelectric power plants
? Rail Systems
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